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Wild Cascara creates a space for students to learn at their own pace, both academically and emotionally. Autonomy and support lead to thriving and interdependence. Unstructured time encourages the absorption of learning, peer problem-solving, risk-taking, and natural learning. We prioritize preparing students, not just protecting them. Discovering strengths and growth edges prepares students intrinsically for the world.


Learn more about unstructured learning here: Impacts of Unstructured Nature Play

Immersion in NATURE

Outdoor learning offers much more than just clean air and natural light. It provides hands-on, experiential education that stimulates imaginative play, creativity, hand-eye coordination, balance, physical strength, sensory exploration, and mental clarity.


Being in nature is our natural state, and when we reconnect with the Earth, we learn to move slowly and mindfully, in harmony with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world. Slowing down and spending time outdoors enhances student learning naturally.


Learn more about Nature Immersion here: 

Benefits of Student Immersion in Nature


Place-based education uses the local community and environment to teach subjects like language arts, math, science, and social studies. It encourages hands-on learning to increase achievement and connect students to their community. Inquiry-based learning focuses on students asking questions, and problem-solving to promote understanding and a love of learning. Both approaches are inspired by David Sobel's "Place-based Education: Connecting Classrooms & Communities." They emphasize student-centered learning, hands-on experiences, and problem-solving to help students understand their environment and become engaged citizens.

RISK-taking environment & authentic PLAY

Creating a secure environment where children can take risks enhances their confidence and independence. Research indicates that students who experience natural risk-taking are more likely to challenge themselves later in life, with healthy boundaries and a strong sense of self-worth. In supportive environments, students learn their limits and potential based on intrinsic values, not external pressures. Play helps students collaborate and problem-solve on a peer level, allowing the brain to process information at a more natural pace. Emphasizing play at all ages supports mental rest and enhances learning.

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